Our flexibility is characterized once again by the fact that we can set the transportation fees ourselves. The Fahrdienst Langen is not subject to any legal requirements for pricing. Furthermore, we do not charge for waiting time. This means that you only pay for the distance driven, regardless of traffic. According to the motto: "Pay for the ride, not the traffic".

For more detailed information, please refer to the tables below:

Transportation in Langen Price
Basic price 2.70€
Price per kilometer (up to 100km) 1.80€
From a distance of more than 100km we will be happy to make you a personal offer.
Transportation to Frankfurt Airport Price
Langen 33€
Egelsbach 35€
Dreieichenhain 38€
Götzenhain 43€
Offenthal 45€
Erzhausen 45€

You are interested? Book your ride now with Fahrdienst Langen, we are here for you!

Contact us

Do you need more information or have another request? Feel free to contact us and we will take care of it as soon as possible.